Innovation Odyssey
Innovation Odyssey
Episode #3 – “What makes me really excited about Quantum is that we haven´t opened Pandora´s box yet.” Dominik Andrzejczuk, CEO, QDC 

Episode #3 – “What makes me really excited about Quantum is that we haven´t opened Pandora´s box yet.” Dominik Andrzejczuk, CEO, QDC 

Innovation Odyssey had a great chat with Dominik Andrzejczuk, CEO of The Quantum Data Center Corporation. As the next cutting-edge technology getting ready for commercial adoption, quantum computing is often hard to understand, belying its immense possibilities. 

In this episode, Dominik talks to Renu on the following topics 

  • How his company lowers the barrier to entry to solve optimization problems in operations research, logistics and supply chain using quantum computing 
  • How his background as a physicist and a VC drew him to starting QDC 
  • Why & how he moved to Poland and his outlook for this European technical powerhouse 
  • His hope & vision for Quantum computing 
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